On Thursday, October 1, the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless Associate Board will host Pour Over Your Ballot, an educational happy hour to inform Illinois voters about the Fair Tax.

Register to attend here.
The first question on Illinois ballots this November will ask voters whether they approve of a transition from a flat income tax to a progressive one.
Organized by the Associate Board’s Advocacy Committee, in partnership with The Night Ministry’s Associate Board and Good Government Illinois, this virtual event will be held from 6 – 7 p.m. and will provide a deep-dive into Illinois’ tax structure. Voters will leave the event with a better understanding of the question that will appear on their ballot, the effects that it would have if passed, and some history to explain how we got to this point.
The event will feature a panel of experts and grassroots leaders who will present the case for why Illinoisans should vote yes on the Fair Tax question.
Attendees are invited to submit any questions they may have in advance using this form.