Associate Director of Organizing Wayne Richard kicks off the showcase.
Horizons creative writing workshop hosted 26 parents and children from two South Side shelters at its yearly poetry showcase, held June 28 at Chicago’s Intuit gallery, 756 N. Milwaukee Avenue.
Six parents and three children shared their own poetry during a showcase emceed by parent Dewanna Brewer.
The poets included 11-year-old Lazaria Brewer, who read her piece inspired by Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise.”

Parent Dewanna Brewer emceed the showcase, as well as shared her own poem and two by a friend.
Participating were residents from A Safe Haven South and A Safe Haven West, both shelters for homeless Chicago families. Associate Director of Organizing Wayne Richard leads bi-weekly writing sessions with parents at the shelters, part of his writing outreach program offered at shelters serving parents, youth and single adults.

Organizer Keith Freeman serves pizza to the poets and guests.
After applauding all the participants, the audience voted for its favorite poems, citing work by Ms. Tasha Chitman and Mr. Chris Jelkes.
Booklets were published featuring some of the poetry. Other work is featured online in our Horizons Reading Room.
Horizons has been supported by longtime grants from the Seabury Foundation, with internship assistance by graduate students from Adler University.

Wayne Richard (background), Chris Jelkes (foreground)
– Anne Bowhay, Media
– Photos by Jeff Foy